Dr. Huang Yong
Head of Southern Medicine Resources, PhD in Crop Cultivation and Farming, Master's Supervisor, Senior Agronomist. Mainly engaged in the cultivation and quality control of medicinal plants.
Case detail

Head of Southern Medicine Resources, PhD in Crop Cultivation and Farming, Master's Supervisor, Senior Agronomist. Mainly engaged in the cultivation and quality control of medicinal plants. Familiar with standardized planting techniques for Chinese medicinal materials, management of Chinese medicinal material planting bases, initial processing of common Chinese medicinal materials, and quality control techniques for Chinese medicinal materials; Familiar with fields such as traditional Chinese medicine cultivation. Won the National Excellent Award for Quality Publishing in the Pharmaceutical Industry and three first prizes for scientific and technological progress in Nanyang City in 2010 (2013, 2014, 2016); Obtained 2 invention patents and 2 appraisal results; Published over 20 scientific papers in core journals related to traditional Chinese medicine; Breeding 2 varieties of Danshen

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