Dr. Zeng Qingqian
Director of Guangdong Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Doctor of Pharmacognosy, Chief Chinese Pharmacist, and Practicing Chinese Pharmacist. Mainly engaged in research on medicinal plant resources and their..
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Director of Guangdong Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Doctor of Pharmacognosy, Chief Chinese Pharmacist, and Practicing Chinese Pharmacist. Mainly engaged in research on medicinal plant resources and their development and utilization, accumulating rich experience in the protection and development of medicinal plant resources in Lingnan, as well as the regulation of secondary metabolism in medicinal plants. He is a senior technical consultant for multiple traditional Chinese medicine enterprises and was awarded the title of "Outstanding Contribution Expert to Industry University Research in Guangdong Province's Food and Drug Industry" in 2011. Hosted over 30 national public welfare industry science and technology special projects, as well as sub projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology's Science and Technology Support Program; The editor in chief has published 3 books, published over 20 papers in domestic and foreign journals, obtained 3 authorized patents, developed 1 industry standard, and developed multiple enterprise standards.

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